My vision is to allow the Founders and early church ministers to speak their own words to our elective representatives and pastors through my book “The Bible is the Higher Law in America.”
Cost: $5.00
To purchase a book, click the donate button above, enter the amount in multiples of $5 and follow the instructions. Please also include – within the Paypal donate process, in the section “add special instructions to the seller” – the shipping address for the book and any other information you would like ARF to know. If the shipping address is the same as your billing address – check the box to inform ARF of your address. You can also email your shipping address to [email protected]
ARF will not profit from the proceeds of this book. This version was purchased by ARF in large quantity from a local printer and is available for shipping immediately. The motive for distributing them independently is to get the truth into the hands of as many pastors and governing officials in the country as possible. In prayer and faith, we believe this book will fall into the hands the Lord desires to place it in.
Alliance for Religious Freedom’s mission is to educate the public on the benefits of moral and religious values in American society, which includes its influence on government and public policy. It is clearly a monumental, God-sized endeavor. Thank you for your prayers, feedback and participation.
It’s time for people of faith to “take back from Caesar (government) what is God’s (our Godly heritage).”
Blessings, Tom Hughes [email protected] or [email protected]“In all your ways, acknowledge Him…” Proverbs 3:6